We see a lot of content about micro-aggressions which are basically subtle verbal, behavioral or environmental slights towards a marginalized group. You will see reference or modules of this concept in most DEI trainings. While we have focused on this for a while, let’s pivot to a more positive concept.

When talking about DEI, I see a lot of content around bad or hurtful behavior. They say, ‘you catch more bees with honey than vinegar’…let’s talk about the positive things you can DO to create more inclusion at work or in life:
Micro-affirmations are small gestures or comments to acknowledge a person’s value or create a sense of belonging. They also make people feel appreciated and welcomed. Essentially, it is the exact opposite of a micro-aggression which is a gesture or comment to make people feel invalid, isolated or different.

Besides making people feel seen, heard and valued, micro-affirmations can:

  • Reinforce positive behavior
  • Encourage more inclusivity
  • Show appreciation
  • Some simple of examples of using micro-affirmations with your team or colleagues:
  • Giving credit to a team mate for an idea – publicly
  • Saying hello to a stranger in an elevator
  • Actively listening to someone as they engage in conversation
  • Calling a person by their name in a workshop
  • Speaking a little slower when speaking to a global audience
  • Using inclusive examples when teaching a class
  • Creating diverse breakout groups in a classroom
  • Being flexible with policies for specific marginalized groups
  • Acknowledging a birthday or religious holiday
  • Getting to know your team on a personal level
  • Micro-affirmations are intentional and encouraging and small acts of kindness yet have big impact on people.

When you become a role model for positive behavior, it becomes infectious – people will see the positive effect it has on the team or workplace and want to emulate it themselves. Let’s spread and encourage positive behavior!

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